AC BO Hackathon 2024

This is a repo created for the 2024 AC BO Hackathon

Project 8

BO for Drug Discovery: What is the role of molecular representation?

Project leads


Questions we are asking (and answering):


See our video presentation. Comment, suggest, and vote project 8 in the judging session!


Project 8


1. Raw Feature Benchmark

Performance of Raw Fingerprints

2. PCAed Feature Benchmark

Performance of PCA Fingerprints

3. Conclusion and disclaimers

To reproduce our work


To replicate the work, the following dependancies are necessary:

To set up the environment, follow the steps:

conda create --name bofeat python=3.9
conda activate bofeat
pip install botorch deepchem numpy scikit-learn scikit-optimize torch gpytorch
pip install git+

P.S. Installation with conda manager is not recommended as it caused weird incompatibility issue.

P.P.S. Make sure pip is from the newly created bofeat environment. If you’re using a Unix-based OS, you can use which pip to check